Zur Künstlerin

Born in Kherson (Ukraine), Elena was surrounded by art and culture since she was a small child. She danced ballet professionally for eight years, played piano, visited theaters and countless museums and exhibitions with her grandmother. Her love of painting deepened through her high school art classes. After many successful years in business, Elena returned to the paintbrush in 2023 and gave free rein to her creativity.
For her, painting resembles an exploratory journey into the unknown, where dots, strokes and colors find their place on the canvas and all impressions, feelings and thoughts take on a new form. Her works reflect emotions, feelings and the search for identity, expressed in a continuous pursuit of harmony. She prefers to paint with acrylics, which give her paintings a strong expression. With her paintings, her goal is to touch the audience. The brushstrokes happen because they have to and want to happen. It comes from within her. As long as the viewer sees something in it or triggers a feeling, she has done everything right.
More is not needed.